Sisterhood: Stronger Together
Temple Kol Ami Sisterhood for more than 40 years, provides a collective voice for the women in our congregation by encouraging the creative energy, talent and leadership potential of each of our members. Our mission is to strengthen Reform Judaism, Jewish humanitarian causes and social justice.
Sisterhood is involved many aspects of synagogue life that fall under these categories.
- Holidays and Festivals
- Social Action and Giving
- Spiritual and Learning
- Cultural and being active in the community
Executive Board of Sisterhood
Co-Presidents: Eileen Higer & Jody Schottenfels
Treasurer: Marcia Persin
Secretary: Judy Wormser
VP Communications: Sharon Trosch
Co-VPs Membership: Sandra Davidson-McVittie & Debbie Lecours
Co-VPs Social Action: Rondi Brower & Linda Kahn Gale
Co-VPs Fundraising: Cynthia Katz and Gail Hines
Co-Vps Programming: Nena Chudnof & Connie Silver
Board of Sisterhood
- Enid Bienstock
- Susan Ehrlich
- Nancy Evanson
- Rhonda Kotzen
- Sue Merritt
- Abby Pook
- Sharon Spilkin
- Donna Weingarden
Particpate with Sisterhood
Fri, February 7 2025
9 Sh'vat 5785
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025Sisterhood Tu B'Shevat Seder
Sunday, Feb 16th 1:00p to 3:00p
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 26 , 2025Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
Wednesday, Feb 26th 7:00p to 8:30p