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TKA is more than just a temple; we are a vibrant and caring community. Your participation and membership is important to us!

Why Join TKA?

  • To enrich your Jewish spiritual life
  • To share holidays, special occasions, and life-cycle events with community, such as Baby Naming, Brit Milah (Bris), B'nai Mitzvah, Wedding, Funeral, Conversion.  
  • To worship in ways relevant to Reform Judaism
  • To meet people with mutual interests and bond with other Jews to ensure Jewish survival and continuity
  • To grow intellectually and spiritually
  • To strengthen religious and cultural bonds with our rich Jewish heritage
  • To provide you and your family with a strong Jewish identity
  • To gain support and comfort in times of difficulty or loss
  • To help those in need and participate in opportunities to help heal our world and to support the State of Israel.

New Members will get a gift bag from our Sisterhood to welcome you into our community. We also have a Membership Shabbat where we bless our new members and honor long standing members of our community. 

Trumot Halev

Temple Kol Ami was the first synagogue in the Detroit area, and possibly the reform movement, to change to a donation based membership system. Exodus 25:2 says, "Tell the Israelites to bring gifts for Me from every person whose heart is so moved." Rather than traditional set dues, Temple Kol Ami members make an annual membership pledge from their hearts. Each year, the leadership determines recommended giving levels that will provide the necessary resources for the congregation to thrive. Members can pledge based on the recommended levels or an amount that is meaningful to them and appropriate to their individual circumstances. 

Temple affiliate groups

  • Brotherhood 
  • Caring Community
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Music - Band and Choir
  • Temple Kol Ami/Bnai Israel Synagogue Joint Programming
  • Religious School
  • Sisterhood
  • Social Action

Interested in learning more? 

Contact our Executive Director, Clara Silver

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785