Nuture Connections
We have various committees and groups that welcome you and your participation. At TKA, your voice and involvement make a difference.
Temple affiliate groups
- Brotherhood builds camaraderie among the men in our temple membership, through dynamic social and educational activities. Brotherhood shares a lot of laughs together along the way.
- Caring Community: Temple Kol Ami’s kavanah (intention) is to build a community that tends to each other’s well-being, so we may all feel valued when we need support, comfort, or assistance.
- Current Events: The Current Events group is a participant led discussion group that meets every other Tuesday.
- Facilities: Advise and support the care and maintenance of the building and grounds.
- Finance: The finance committee helps oversee the financial well-being and stability of Kol Ami.
- Fundraising: We cannot survive without the support of our donors and the fundraising committee helps raise money through events and drives.
- Gardening: Helps keep our Temple grounds looking beautiful with seasonal planting and maintenance.
- Music - Band and Choir: Music is an vibrant important part of our temple worship and community.
- Temple Kol Ami/Bnai Israel Synagogue Joint Programming: We share a building with B'nai Israel and we get together to plan events and have community.
- Religious School: Religious School Committee helps support the Religious School with meaningful programs and celebrations
- Sisterhood: Active for more than 40 years with women of all ages, Sisterhood is committed to socializing, educating, and connecting with each other, Temple Kol Ami, and the greater WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism) community.
- Social Action: Social Action Committee has diverse events about speaking, educating, and acting on issues of racial equality, health, the environment, and food scarcity.
- Torah Study: TKA's Torah Study is longest consecutive running Torah study in the Metro Detroit area. We meet every Saturday to study together and eat bagels.
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785